SYDNEY(02) 9499 3322
MELBOURNE(03) 9909 0524
BRISBANE(07) 3014 0545

Customised Customer Service Training

Customer Service Training Australia

Customised Training at your premises, via Zoom or Microsoft Teams

Our very popular tailored courses are delivered at your premises throughout Australia, New Zealand & Asia.

Allow us to specifically target your prime areas of concern and work with your team members to establish
Customer service protocols for a variety of real workplace interactions with both external and internal customers.

We ask that a senior manager or team leader be present throughout the training so we can guarantee that the training meets with your firm’s guidelines and policies.

Customer Service Training Australia wreath

via Zoom Meeting

Microsoft Teams

via Microsoft Teams

Popular Tailored Customer Service Training Topics

Here are some extremely popular topics for your consideration when formulating your customised training session:

Dealing with difficult, overbearing customers

Understanding the customer service interplay 'experience vs. process'

Professional telephone & email techniques

Explaining technical information to non technical customers

How we 'manage' our customers

What your customers, want, need & expect

Time management techniques

Interpersonal skills with customers

Things we tell customers & things we don't

Delivering bad news to customers in a professional way

Dealing with objections

Internal vs. External customers

Communication Skills

Why you lose customers

Personal presentation tips

Exemplary service and how to achieve same

Complaints and why we need them

Attitudinal Issues

Complaint handling and client interaction

Up selling & cross selling techniques

Role plays

Taking ownership of problems

Body language skills

Our 5 Most Popular Customer Service Training Courses

Our most popular tailored courses available in half day, one day & two day formats include

#1 - Managing Difficult Customers

Equally suitable to telephone, email and face to face interactions. Deals with moderate to major customer hostility and techniques geared to ensure that the outcome is strong and your team members leave the issue at the office.

Great interactive training with real workplace issues and personalities covered in detail. Also covers the use of staff of negative phrasing and triggers that can inflame issues.

#2 - Professional Customer Service Skills

Very popular course covering the fundamentals of customer service and the need for personal responsibility on the part of your staff members.

The course focuses on developing successful sales mindsets and need to engage with your customers.

Full course topics are available upon request.

#3 - IT & Managed Services Telephone & Email Skills

Specific targeted training to ensure your technical staff are able to converse in a professional way with people who may not always be as technically savvy as they are.

We teach numerous techniques for minimising call times and answering often basic simple IT related questions in an engaging and genuine way.  Techniques for dealing with more senior technical personnel are also covered.

We also cover the things we tell our customers as well as those issues we don’t raise with them.

Very popular with large IT help desks nationally.

#4 - Telephone Help Desk & customer Care Skills

This interactive workshop is equally suitable to novice and experienced customer service personel. Primarrily geared to meet the needs of high volume

Telephone & email interactions with customers of varying backgrounds, roles and manners. Great techniques your team will use every day.

#5 - Team Leader Training for Customer Service Team Management

Learn how to ensure your department operates at maximum efficiency. Covers techniques for dealing with the personality mix in your team and controlling attitudinal issues both with team mates and customers.

The course which is offered as private or small group coaching teaches time management and a myriad of essential techniques.

Request a same day Quotation

For further information about Customer Service Training Australia's training courses including costs,
please call your nearest Customer Service Training Australia office or make an enquiry.


Level 5, 115 Pitt Street
(02) 9499 3322


566 St Kilda Road
(03) 9909 0524


Level 20, 300 Queen Street
(07) 3014 0545